Project: Generative AI in education @ USI


Fornara Nicoletta (Responsible)
Picco Schwendener Anna (Responsible)
Lucchesi Federico (Collaborator)
Trifkovic Branislava (Collaborator)


Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) can generate new content (text, images, video, and software code) in response to prompts written in natural language, or requests with images to be reworked, or mixed-mode requests. GenAI learns to generate data similar to the data in its training set without having any understanding of the output it provides. ChatGPT is currently the most known example of many publicly available GenAI tools. Although ChatGPT's provider acknowledges that the tool can generate answers that appear to be true but are incorrect or completely false, the tool has had millions of users since its debut in November 2022. 

The possibility of using numerous GenAI tools online for free or at low cost and the huge media success of ChatGPT in November 2022 has raised new questions and doubts on the impact of these tools on teaching and education. The challenge this project would like to address is how these tools can be used to improve and innovate teaching and learning assessment. 

The main objective of this project is to produce training content available on an online collaborative platform that can help lecturers at USI understand GenAI tools and thus better understand how to use them for educational innovation. The online training content will be composed of four modules: 

  1. Introduction to GenAI – to provide basic literacy on theoretical aspects of how Gen AI tools are built; 
  2. Collection of good practices of using GenAI in education – to provide an overview of good/bad practices, use cases and experiences in the field of teaching and learning;
  3. The art of prompt engineering – to explain how to use prompt engineering techniques to produce output that is close to that intended by the user;
  4. Controversies related to the use of GenAI – to address issues such as ethical and legal problems regarding data protection and copyright in relation to GenAI for education.

Additional information

Start date: 01.04.2024

End date: 31.03.2025

Duration: 12 Months

Funding sources:  Università della Svizzera italiana 

Category:  USI Internal calls / Projects for Innovation in Teaching